Recruit, train, deploy
In order to overcome chronic tech and digital skills shortages, our hire, train, deploy solution is designed to attract, reskill or upskill, and deploy new talent.
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What is recruit, train, deploy?
Recruit, train, deploy is a proactive talent model designed to overcome talent and skills shortages. It works by delivering targeted sourcing strategies combined with tailored skills development programmes, reducing overall hiring costs and increasing candidate engagement.
Building your future workforce
Organisations can face significant challenges when acquiring and retaining the technology talent to enable them to operate successfully and drive growth. Our recruit, train, deploy solution provides a strategic and proactive model for identifying new talent, building the skills you need, and ensuring that employee potential is optimised.
We work closely with you to understand your technology skills gaps and design a bespoke recruit, train, and deploy solution that delivers the skilled talent you require. Where relevant, we will engage with our equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDI&B) partners to develop attraction strategies targeting diverse talent pools, and support individuals in accessing new skills and roles within your organisation.
Recruit: we deliver targeted attraction and sourcing to find new talent, selected to meet your skills and employee value proposition (EVP) profile. Our streamlined process, recruitment technology and high-touch recruitment team ensure reduced time to recruit and candidate engagement throughout.
Train: our experts design and deliver training to address skills gaps in data, cyber, robotic process automation (RPA) and software development. Programmes can be tailored to accommodate your specific tech stack. Each programme includes trainee support and mentoring, quality and progress checks throughout, and a final assessment.
Deploy: our deployment programme includes a range of employment options to provide flexibility of resource engagement. Additionally, outcome management can be provided to ensure that employees deliver against their role objectives.
Our approach...
Reed Talent Solutions’ recruit, train, deploy model will provide your business with a bespoke skills development programme, and access to new and diverse talent, while empowering you to improve lives through work.
The model is designed to be fully flexible and can be adapted to meet your organisational requirements.
By adopting our recruit, train deploy programme your organisation can:
Reduce the skills gap
Access new and diverse talent
Reduce the cost of talent acquisition, training, and management
Increase retention of talent and skills
Ensure quality and learning outcomes are met
Adopt flexible deployment options enabling resources to be engaged when you need them, or to retain skills longer term
Open up skills and careers to new communities and give back by improving lives through work
Why choose us?
We will recruit targeted talent pools via an inclusive process and focus on the potential for candidates to upskill.
This could include early talent (graduate and non-graduate), individuals looking to return to work or change career, through to ex-military personnel, or those who find themselves within the ageing workforce category but seeking opportunities to reskill.
Potential employees are sourced via specialist methods dependent on the target demographic. All candidates will go through our streamlined and accessible application and screening processes, relevant technical assessments, and a final hiring interview to ensure they are the best fit for your company.
We work with you to create a bespoke training programmes to meet your unique organisational requirements, with training outcomes and assessments agreed. All our training is designed and delivered in-house by our team of experts, or via our network of licensed product trainers.
Training support will be provided by technical coaches and every candidate will be assigned a dedicated mentor throughout training and into their assignment.
We offer flexible deployment options to fit your requirements, including the provision of employed consultants as well as train-to-fit permanent placement solutions.
Working with Reed Talent Solutions, outcome management can be provided, to actively track performance against your business objectives and provide governance to ensure they are achieved.
Additional training modules and ongoing skills development can also be delivered once the employees are deployed to promote ongoing professional development and increase skills while on the job.
We work with individuals looking to change career, reskill or return to work, and provide a smooth transition into a successful new career through our extensive training and support programme.
Our recruit, train, deploy solution offers other benefits including reduced time to attract candidates due to the ready availability of your talent pool, access to a wider range of diverse people, a reduction in skills gaps thanks to our bespoke training programmes, assured quality and learning outcomes, flexible and scalable employment models, reduced administrative and management costs, and achievable business objectives.
Our experts will be able to guide your company through each phase of our solution, tailoring it to your needs and helping you to create the workforce you need.
Our technology stack is integrated to support the end-to-end process of recruitment, screening, training, onboarding, and management of your new employees. This ensures a simple, streamlined, and efficient process and experience for applicants, trainees, and employees, and enables our team to focus on interacting and engaging where it matters most.
Our team only work on recruit, train, deploy models and is highly experienced in supporting applicants, trainees, and hiring managers throughout the process - to ensure that they remain engaged and get the best experience. A dedicated client service manager will be aligned with your business and will be responsible for ensuring that our service offering meets your objectives and achieves the planned outcomes.
This model is built on finding a solution to the skills gap your business faces, but also in finding new opportunities and careers for individuals and groups that might not have access to develop the skills needed in these sectors. Empowering you to improve lives through work and give back to your communities.
Our comprehensive and visual talent analytics platform provides visibility across the entire model including the recruitment funnel, training completion, and outcome management.
Latest insights
Recruit, train, deploy is a unique service, built solely on developing skills and accessing new talent for your business by finding new talent and upskilling or reskilling. Reed Talent Solutions will take responsibility for the recruitment of candidates and providing them with the training and upskilling required to enter specific roles within your organisation. Deployment includes various employment options depending on your needs from permanent placement, to flexible contract options, with full deployment outcome management provided.
Recruit, train, deploy – sometimes known as hire, train, deploy – works by delivering targeted attraction and sourcing to find new talent. After this recruit phase of the model, tailored and unique training programmes will then be drawn up to address an organisation’s skills gap. This phase of the recruit, train, deploy model will also include trainee support, mentoring, progress checks and a final assessment. The onboarding and deployment of a skilled diverse talent pool of employees will then take place.
Recruit, train, deploy models come with multiple benefits, including:
Closing the skills gap for your organisation through having a strategic approach to building skills and talent for existing gaps and future workforce needs
Recruit, train, deploy brings increased access to new and diverse talent pools through targeting attraction strategies and equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging partners
Reduced cost of acquisition, training, and management through tapping into new talent
Recruit, train, deploy brings assured quality and learning outcomes
Flexible deployment options enabling resource to be engaged when you need it, or retain skills longer term
Open the door to skills and careers for new communities and give back by improving lives through work
Recruit, train, deploy is a new concept and it requires organisations to move away from traditional – and often trusted – methods of recruitment. A hire, train, deploy model requires companies to look beyond traditional recruiter profiles and to develop a more rounded talent acquisition team. It is a brave new world, and one our experts can help you to fully embrace.
Recruit, train, deploy requires organisations to rethink how they approach recruitment. Traditional recruitment begins with a job advertisement, which attracts applicants who then go through multiple rounds of interviews and assessment until a candidate or candidates is employed. Recruit, train, deploy is a faster, simpler way of doing recruitment. Talented individuals are recruited and trained in advance. They are prepared to enter the workforce and then deployed based on what an organisation is looking for.
Recruit, train, deploy can be extremely cost-effective as it eliminates the need to hire employees who already have the required skill set. A recruit, train, deploy programme removes the burden of competing for professionals, ensures the quality of talent, and reduces the time and effort that other approaches require – all of which significantly controls and reduces costs.
Recruit, train, deploy and hire, train, deploy are effectively the same solution.
Recruit, train, deploy is widely used across a range of sectors, including technology, retail, healthcare, legal and financial services. These sectors benefit from recruit, train, deploy models as they have traditionally struggled to fill roles and often become stuck paying expensive contractors. Public sector organisations face challenges such as a highly competitive marketplace and lengthy approval processes. Recruit, train, deploy, with its ready-made pool of candidates, is the perfect answer to these problems.